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Cameroon-Nigeria: Anglophone Crisis Displacement, 25 October 2018

Cameroon-Nigeria: Anglophone Crisis Displacement, 25 October 2018 Since late 2016, protests and violence in Cameroon South-West and North-West regions (Anglophone Cameroon) has caused significant internal displacement and refugee flows into Nigeria. Government restrictions and civilian-targeted attacks by various armed actors limit nearly all humanitarian access in these two regions. In mid-2018, the UN and Government of Cameroon issued humanitarian appeals, which have been minimally funded. Recent spikes in displacement have rapidly outpaced available funding. US Department of State - Humanitarian Information Unit:  

Cameroon: Christopher Fomunyoh rolls out proposal to solve Anglophone crisis

Cameroon: Christopher Fomunyoh rolls out proposal to solve Anglophone crisis Prominent Cameroonian Human rights and civil society activist Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh has rolled out a series of pertinent proposals that will help Cameroon come out of the current impasse in the North West and South West regions. Amongst some of the concrete solutions proposed are the release of all political prisoners, call for a ceasefire on both sides, lifting the curfews imposed in some areas,…etc Read on the full text. Statement from Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh on the deteriorating Security and Political Situation in Cameroon. Fellow Cameroonians, On October 7, voters cast ballots in the presidential poll which had nine candidates in competition. I congratulate those who participated in that exercise. I also commend the candidates who created opportunities for citizen engagement and raised hopes for genuine democracy and meaningful change through the ballot box. Unfortunately, those

CONFIDENTIEL: l'UA propose un poste de vice-président du Cameroun à Kamto

CONFIDENTIEL: l'UA propose un poste de vice-président du Cameroun à Kamto Nous sommes le 22 Novembre 2018, les camerounais se demandaient où était passé depuis le 08 Octobre, date de sa dernière apparition publique, le bâtonnier Akere Muna. Sa dernière apparition était aux côtés du candidat de la coalition Maurice Kamto. Akere Muna a un carnet d’adresse très important sur la scène continentale, de la présidence du Conseil économique, social et culturel de l’Union africaine, de l’Union panafricaine des avocats (UPA) ou encore du Mécanisme africain d’évaluation par les pairs (MAEP), l’Union Africaine, c’est cette illustre institution qui a en charge à travers la commission de paix et de sécurité de fixer les bases pour des élections crédibles et transparentes au Cameroun. Ce 22 Novembre, Akere Muna est réapparu pour annoncer son retour au Cameroun prévu en Janvier 2018. Lundi 19 Novembre, un jour après le sommet des chefs d’états de l’UA. L’annonce du retour d’Akere intervient