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Ambazonia: Acting President Dr. Sako Ikome addresses Southern Cameroonians, Full Speech

Ambazonia: Acting President Dr. Sako Ikome addresses Southern Cameroonians, Full Speech God bless you My Fellow Ambazonians, Following the abduction of our President H.E. Sisiku Ayuk Tabe Julius and some members of his cabinet, I was mandated by our people to be Acting President and Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia; To fly their pride as a people above the tallest of mountains and sit it at the foot of the Mount Fako in Buea; To systematically and robustly prosecute a war that was already two months old as was declared upon us by the octogenarian President Paul Biya of La République du Cameroun on the 30th of November 2017. One of my goals was to reunite forces within and between all our great freedom fighters at home and abroad. To harness a collective momentum in the actualization of our independence restoration movement, and to plant our flag at the Prime Minister’s lodge in Buea in due time, peradventure, if God forbid, our President H.E. Sisik