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Mount Cameroon race of hope 2019

Mount Cameroon race of hope 2019

Today we are talking about one of Africa’s iconic and oldest international athletic competition that is the Mount Cameroon race of hope.
Since 1973 athletes from around the world have been honoring the annual invitation 
to the city of Buea in the south west region of the country.
A test race for this 24th edition was done on February 02 in Buea with about 150 athletes going up and down the over 4000 meters high landmark. The race takes place on Saturday February 23, in Buea amidst social and security tensions in the host region.
David Eyengue is a sports reporter who has been covering the race for the past decade, we speak with him on phone.

2019 Mount Cameroon Race of Hope: Athletes who are ready to risk it all to challenge the gods

Over 500 athletes across Cameroon and beyond this week end prepares to challenge the chariots of the gods
The annual Mount Cameroon race of Hope which usually brings the City of Excellence to a halt as athletes tussle for the ultimate price is coming this year at a very special context.
The Anglophone crisis has had its toll on all towns and cities in the two English speaking regions of the country and Buea has been particularly affected.

The South West regional capital is the jackpot and final destination for the fight for independence by armed civilian fighters and their backers in a crisis which started three years ago.
Regional administrators in major towns and cities have use such moments to flex their muscles and demonstrate to Yaoundé that they are still fully in charge of their administrative areas of competence even though daily realities on the ground usually put those claims into questions.
Despite the crises which have been existing for years now, government has kept the race running, deploying heavy security to protect the athletes, officials and supporters each time the race comes calling.
This year however has been a different ball game all together and the security frailties embarrassing even to those who had been brandishing government’s ability to protect everybody whenever such an event come calling.
9 days effective lockdown of two regions earlier this month followed by multiple ghost towns meant south West and North West regions have had less than 10 days they can call their own.
Armed civilians have  in recent days  rubbished security guarantees , launched daring attacks in the hearts of the regions’ major cities and towns, enforcing imposed lockdowns  with impunity as the military looks overwhelmed.
Many have died this month already for failing to respect ghost towns or lockdown and government continues assurances of adequate security measures doesn’t seem to resonate across the frightening and tired population any longer.
As the D day approaches once again, foreign based activists have taken to their popular platform social media to drum home their message-no mountain race in “their land”
They have imposed a three days ghost town to frustrate government’s efforts to organize the race and have to punish defaulters.
Government has ignored the calls, beefed up security and moves on with the race as scheduled
Die-hard athletes on their parts have registered as the 10 million prices for both male and female categories seem tempting enough to put one’s life at realistic risk.
If recent events are anything to go by, armed civilians have proven beyond reasonable doubt that they have the means and the will to disrupt major events and cause casualties in the aggrieved regions even if they can’t fight for long.

With 10, 7 and 3 million for first, second and third price respectively for both male and female senior categories, many athletes have already indicated their desires not only to challenge the gods by reaching the summit of the highest mountain in West Africa, but also to challenge Ambazonian threats and bullets.


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