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Bangourain Attacks: this is what Atanga Nji told people

Bangourain Attacks: this is what Atanga Nji told people Arrival at Bangourain, this locality located in the department of Noun Western Region, scene of an attack attributed to Ambazonian separatists last Sunday having a death and incediated houses, the Minister of Territorial Administration has made material donations to these populations. He reassured these people that calm will come with the reinforcement of security. "Bangourain will be reinforced in elements of gendarmerie, defense forces and police and highwaymen will be hunted down, that the populations remain on the spot." A promised Atanga Nji The attacks have become the daily life of populations living in the English-speaking area. Populations are caught between two fires. On the one hand the Islamic sect Boko Harama and on the other hand the secessionists. Many flee the fighting to seek refuge in neighboring Nigeria for some and others in the bush.




AMBAZONIAN CRISIS: 15 GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ON THE USA BLACKLIST AMBAZONIAN CRISIS: 15 GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ON THE USA BLACKLIST The American department demanded a halt to fighting and in late December. The Ambazonian crisis has still killed this weekend with the violence that is being lost in the Noun department, more precisely in the Bangourain locality, the actions of the secessionists have caused enormous damage in the locality. We are moving towards the end of December, the deadline required by the US State Department to end the war and initiate dialogue. While nothing is being done to alleviate the situation, the government refuses any dialogue, including the initiatives of civil society, a list of Cameroonian personalities, government officials, military leaders and secessionist leader is in the process of validation by the State Department. “10 separatist leaders and 15 Cameroonian government officials, including military commanders, are on the list of targeted sanctio

Franck Biya a few steps from Etoudi [RETRO]

Franck Biya a few steps from Etoudi [RETRO] The display of which it is the object in recent days does not go unnoticed Paul Biya has been re-elected for the next 7 years at the helm of the state. But at age 85 and after 36 years of power, who would not think of the future with all the guarantees that this implies? There is the question. It has probably not escaped these days to different observers, the ride that revolves around the first son of Paul Biya, Franck Biya. Usually hidden, living almost incognito, almost never talked about, the 47-year-old is more and more the tip of his nose in the limelight. We have the impression that we put it little by little in orbit. On November 6, the importance given to him by his father during the oath did not escape the watchful eye of Cameroonians. Present with Paul Biya for the circumstance (which was normal), he especially enjoyed a certain proximity with it. On the red carpet, he was one step behind his father. When Paul Biya finishe


RED ALERT: MAURICE KAMTO BANNED FROM LEAVING CAMEROON His diplomatic passport is now refused to be renewed The national and international communities are informed of the de facto placement of President Maurice KAMTO as a ban on leaving Cameroon.  The explanations of his spokesman Bibou Nissack RED ALERT: MAURICE KAMTO BANNED FROM LEAVING CAMEROON A few weeks ago, President Maurice KAMTO had been forced to use his diplomatic passport as a matter of urgency to go to the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa because of the expiry of his ordinary passport. However, it happens that several weeks after having formally requested the renewal of this ordinary passport, Maurice KAMTO has not always curiously not obtained even after recovery. At the same time, his Diplomatic Passport is now refused to be renewed there again in complete illegality.  It is now clear that Maurice KAMTO’s muzzling and unlawful restriction of his freedom of movement initiated by his de facto house arr


SEE THE NAMES OF THE DIFFERENT AMBAZONIAN FORCES AND THEIR LEADERS ASC = Ambazonia Security Council – Led by the IG, (Sako Ikome et al) AGC = Ambazonia Governing Counci – Led by Ayaba Cho. SEE THE NAMES OF THE DIFFERENT AMBAZONIAN FORCES AND THEIR LEADERS ADF = Ambazonia Defence Forces – Armed group under AGC. Commander in Chief is Ayaba Cho. Tapang Ivo Tanku is the spokesperson SOCADEF = Southern Cameroons Defence Forces (Led by Ebenezer Akwanga – “General” Opopo is the “General” of the SOCADEF)

Cameroon Ranked World’s Second Worst Journalists’ Prosecuting Country

Cameroon Ranked World’s Second Worst Journalists’ Prosecuting Country The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), has placed the Republic of Cameroon as the second worst prosecutor of journalists in the world. The Central African country comes only behind Eritrea, ranked first. According to CPJ, Cameroon detained as many as seven journalists in 2018. Most of the journalists are facing charges linked to false news, fake news, to news that endanger the state security. Reporting the various crises in Cameroon has become a hideous task in Cameroon. The government continuously accuse journalists of reporting news that endanger the security and territorial integrity of the state. Hence, many have been arrested and jailed in maximum security prisons. On November 7, 2018, the government ordered for the detention of firebrand journalist, Mimi Mefo. She was accused of cyber-crimes, publishing false news, and endangering state security. She was eventually released two days after

Top Government Officials Are Running Armed Groups In The NW/SW- Fru Ndi

Top Government Officials Are Running Armed Groups In The NW/SW- Fru Ndi In a press conference in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon, Wednesday 12th of December 2018, the national chairman of the Social Democratic Front Party-SDF made stunning declarations as he appraised recent happenings in Cameroon. The Press conference of the SDF National Chairman, focused on the the worsening crisis in the North West and South West Regions, the newly created Fai Yengo Francis-led national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration committee for ex-fighters of Boko Harram and armed groups in the north west and south west regions of Cameroon, the withdrawal of the the 2019 AFCON hosting rights from Cameroon by the Confederation of African football CAF and the recent banning of Cameroon’s lone air transport company CamairCo from flying to any other destination out of Cameroon. To the SDF national chairman, Cameroon is sinking and drowning in a deep ocean, regarding CAF’s decision t

The World Bank Warns Cameroon Against Lavish Spendings

The World Bank Warns Cameroon Against Lavish Spendings In its latest report on Cameroon, the world banks says Cameroon spends 8.7% of its public investment budgets on receptions, missions fuelling and other external services as against the resources which could be directed to social sector development, hence maintaining it on a low human development index. The world bank report compares Cameroon’s level of social investment to those of African countries with comparable level of development. It notes that Cameroon allocates 1.2% of its Gross Domestic to the health sector meanwhile countries like Senegal placed on the same level of development with her, allocates 2.4% to this sector, Ivory Coast with 1.7%, Kenya 3.5% and Ghana with 2.5%. With regards to public investment in the health domain, the World Bank highlights that Cameroon witnessed a drop from 6.2% of the state budget dedicated to health in 2010 to 5.2% in 2016, considered as the lowest in Africa. The Briton wood

A political prisoner of Paul Biya forgotten in prison

In the aftermath of the "presidential election", the electoral heist, the blind repression of the resistance in Cameroon, let us not forget the political prisoners of Cameroon of Paul Biya, including Urbain Olanguena, former Minister of Health, who has been arbitrarily detained since March 31, 2008. On the morning of March 31, 2008, Olanguena Awono's life changed. He is arrested at his home by the Special Operations Group (Gso), a special police unit tasked with combating banditry. He is taken to the Judicial Police and taken into custody. The investigators rely on a report of the superior control of the State that a few weeks earlier, pinned it for the diversion of 14 billion FCfa made available to Cameroon by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis. One week later, Olanguena Awono is placed under remand detention in Yaoundé Central Prison. As the judicial investigation continues before the investigating judge, in April 2009, the Executive D

Cameroon: Fon of Nso evacuated for medical attention

Cameroon: Fon of Nso evacuated for medical attention The Fon of the Nso clan, Bui Division of the North West Region of Cameroon, His Royal Highness Semh Mbinglo II was on Tuesday, December 11 airlifted out of Kumbo for medical attention. Sources in Kumbo say he was evacuated for proper medical attention after a series of events at his palace that have taken a toll on him. Other sources claim he was evacuated by the military for his own safety following a series of events at the palace. The palace itself has not yet communicated on the issue. The Fon has been reportedly kidnapped by armed separatists at least three times in the past weeks while his two sons were shot and killed last week by unidentified gunmen. Many villagers have described the series of events that have happened in the area as a desecration of the land and called for immediate cleansing. The evacuation of the Fon has also left many wondering as to their security and s

Cameroon: gun battles rage despite Biya’s disarmament committee

Cameroon: gun battles rage despite Biya’s disarmament committee There was an upsurge of violence in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon at the weekend despite a decision by the Head of State Paul Biya to create a National Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration Committee. There was heavy fighting across the North West region last weekend with at least three persons killed in Mankon, Mezam division. Traffic was paralyzed along the Buea-Kumba road in the South West region as gun battles raged throughout the weekend between security forces and separatist fighters. Earlier last week, a twin suicide bomb attack from suspected Boko Haram elements led to at least 29 persons seriously injured in Amchide, Far North Region of the country. All these happening before, during and after the Head of State signed the decree to set up the National Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration Committee. Paul Biya said the Committee shall be headquartered in Yaou

US Senators want human rights violators in Cameroon sanctioned

US Senators want human rights violators in Cameroon sanctioned Ten Senators of the United State’s Upper House of Assembly have petitioned the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for sanctions to be meted out on human rights violators in Cameroon. The Senators penned out their letters after analyzing the Anglophone crisis, Boko Haram conflict and the just ended Presidential elections as they raised several issues related to these events. The killing of the American Missionary Charles Truman Wesco, as well as the number of displaced persons and refugees, make the situation in the Anglophone regions dire and the US government must step in to impose sanctions on human rights violators, the Senators said in the letter. Below is a full text of the letter; Dear Secretary Pompeo: We are writing in response to concerns that have been raised about the recent elections in Cameroon, the ongoing crisis in the Anglophone regions of the country, and human rights abuses related to the cr