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Top Government Officials Are Running Armed Groups In The NW/SW- Fru Ndi

Top Government Officials Are Running Armed Groups In The NW/SW- Fru Ndi

In a press conference in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon, Wednesday 12th of December 2018, the national chairman of the Social Democratic Front Party-SDF made stunning declarations as he appraised recent happenings in Cameroon.
The Press conference of the SDF National Chairman, focused on the the worsening crisis in the North West and South West Regions, the newly created Fai Yengo Francis-led national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration committee for ex-fighters of Boko Harram and armed groups in the north west and south west regions of Cameroon, the withdrawal of the the 2019 AFCON hosting rights from Cameroon by the Confederation of African football CAF and the recent banning of Cameroon’s lone air transport company CamairCo from flying to any other destination out of Cameroon.
To the SDF national chairman, Cameroon is sinking and drowning in a deep ocean, regarding
CAF’s decision to withdraw the 2019 AFCON hosting rights from Cameroon and the banning of the country’s lone air transport company from flying out of the country.
Describing the situation in Cameroon as disastrous, Ni John Fru Ndi blamed the misfortune that has befallen Cameroon to what he called, bad governance and poor crisis management in a country where, people are appointed based on political lines, not competence and have to run the country to favor the party instead of the masses.
To In John Fru Ndi, the ruling Cameroon people’s Democratic movement party CPDM, attributes every success or good event in Cameroon to its glory and hence should also assume responsibility for the failures currently being recorded in Cameroon.
On the newly created national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration commission for ex-fighters of Boko Harra and armed groups in the North West and South West Regions led by former governor Fai Yengo Francis, Ni John Fru Ndi said, he is aware, top government officials are running armed groups in the conflict-hit regions.
Ni John Fru Ndi said the Committee will worsen than solve the deepening crisis, citing the national commission for the promotion of Bilingualism and multiculturalism and it’s failed role in resolving the current upheavals in Southern Cameroon.
Ni John Fru Ndi regretted that, no commission created in Cameroon has ever been successful or produced fruitful results.
While congratulating Fai Yengo Francis for his appointment, Fru Ndi stated that Fai Yengo has been given an uphill task, which he will be unable to handle.
He justified the predicted failure of the commission on the point that, much preliminary work ought to have been done before the creation of the commission; like: consultative talks with leaders of the armed groups, calling off the declared war against the people of the north west and south west regions and desintoxication of the armed boys whom he qualified as hardened drug addicts.
« It is wrong to ask Amba Boys to drop their arms while your soldiers go after them shooting burning and destroying property.» he said.
He also affirmed to have been reliably informed of top government officials running armed groups which are destroying and looting in the North West and South West Regions.
Ni John Fru Ndi also declared his support for the Cardinal Christian Tumi Anglophone general conference, saying: « we need to start talking with each other, even the Ambazonian leaders as he has always done ».
By Nformi Amstrong Sandah


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