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A political prisoner of Paul Biya forgotten in prison

In the aftermath of the "presidential election", the electoral heist, the blind repression of the resistance in Cameroon, let us not forget the political prisoners of Cameroon of Paul Biya, including Urbain Olanguena, former Minister of Health, who has been arbitrarily detained since March 31, 2008.

On the morning of March 31, 2008, Olanguena Awono's life changed. He is arrested at his home by the Special Operations Group (Gso), a special police unit tasked with combating banditry. He is taken to the Judicial Police and taken into custody. The investigators rely on a report of the superior control of the State that a few weeks earlier, pinned it for the diversion of 14 billion FCfa made available to Cameroon by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis. One week later, Olanguena Awono is placed under remand detention in Yaoundé Central Prison.

As the judicial investigation continues before the investigating judge, in April 2009, the Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis reacts to the accusations against the ex-Minsanté: "the axis investigations by the Cameroonian authorities do not engage the Global Fund.In all respects, all the financial reports and the review of the programs financed by our institution sufficiently show that they have been managed satisfactorily by this date ", underlines Professor Michel Kazatchkine who concludes that the" Global Fund n ' has no evidence of misuse of the credits allocated to Cameroon ". 

In June 2009, a panel of judicial experts committed by the investigating judge concluded that there was no financial malpractice. Olanguena is being sentenced.

In October 2010, his trial opens before the Tribunal de Grande Instance (Tgi) of Mfoundi. Five counts are attributed to him: the financing to the tune of 11 million FCfa of a book on the AIDS, the payment of a fictitious market of delivery of mosquito nets of 80 million FCfa, the embezzlement of 200 million FCfa and the attempt diversion of FCFA 60 million as part of a grant to the Cameroon Association of Social Marketing (Acms) and the misappropriation of FCFA 122 million for the delivery of leaflets and other gadgets by NGOs to fight against this pandemic.These last three charges that were originally described as "fictitious expenses" will turn into "violation of the procurement rules". Without the accused being notified of this requalification of the facts as required by law.

Olanguena's lawyers request that these three counts be set aside. The Tgi rejects their request. Before the Court of Appeal of the Center, they won their case. This jurisdiction decides to set aside these three counts. The prosecution appeals in cassation before the Supreme Court. This confirms the annulment decision of the Court of Appeal and Olanguena Awono is only put on trial for the other two counts of departure including: the financing of 11 million FCfa of a book on AIDS and the payment of a fictitious mosquito net delivery market of 80 million FCfa. The Supreme Court decided that these two charges should be tried before judges other than those who had previously known the case. After the debates, the new judges put the case under advisement. The verdict is announced for October 7, 2012. That day, collegiality comes to the hearing to make its decision.But the floor is absent.

Since the law prohibits the issuance of a criminal justice decision in the absence of one of the parties to the trial, the verdict is returned to 16 October 2012. Once again the representative of the prosecutor who was at the time the prosecutor of the Ntamack Son Republic (he was promoted to General Prosecutor of the Court of Appeal of the Center, Editor's note) is absent. The case is transferred to the Special Criminal Court (newly created), which was scheduled to be set up the next day. But before knowing this last case, the Tcs chooses to reactivate the first three charges that had been annulled by the Supreme Court. At the end of this first trial, Olanguena Awono is sentenced to 15 years in prison for "misappropriation by assimilation" for violating the rules of public procurement.

All this scenario brings the French lawyer Olanguena Awono, Me Richard Sédillot, to question the high court in these terms: "If Mr. Olanguena really is guilty, should we invent offenses that no longer exist, Should we traffic the law, if it was guilty was not it necessary to let justice follow its normal course? Why was there also a need to obstruct justice? And to conclude: "if we implemented all these devices would not it finally because Olanguena Awono is innocent?".

And Urban Olanguena adds: "I ask, in all humility, that justice be done to me according to the truth, nothing but the truth. The lie is the ferment of injustice, it can not found justice. In this case, the truth is simple: I did not hijack anything, I took nothing in Cameroon that I served in honesty, respect for the law and morality. I have committed no crime against the public fortune... Tomorrow, everyone, before History and certainly before God, will be accountable. But tomorrow, which belongs to God, the only Master of the time, is not yet written, it will proceed from what we do now. Let us act in truth, for truth always triumphs.

The Supreme Court of Cameroon, simple registration chamber of an exceptional court appointed Special Criminal Court (TCS)
Curiously on Wednesday, August 05, 2015 the Supreme Court will ratify the forfeiture of the Special Criminal Court (TCS) by condemning the former Urban health minister Olanguena Awono to 10 years in prison and to pay 325 million FCFA to the State of Cameroon. At the pace of the race session chair Daniel Mekobe Sone will deliver the political verdict. He is of the opinion that the judgment rendered by the special criminal court, though marked by irregularities, concludes that the former minister has committed mismanagement in the agreements signed with structures such as the Cameroon Association for Social Marketing. (ACMS), the allocation of the market for impregnated mosquito nets to Mr. Soua Mbella ... allegedly attributed by the former minister "in flagrant violation of the public procurement code".

10 years in prison and we talk about more: judiciary diversion maneuver impeccably executed!
In spite of an incontestable innocence, the justice with the Cameroonian orders can thus look for the small guilt beast in imaginary mistakes of management, and to maintain indefinitely in detention a man already overwhelmed by the lie of State during more than 08 years. Because the judicial diversion is to this day the only answer that can reasonably offer yet the villainous dictatorship of Paul BIYA to a hungry and idle people. And the fact of giving in this way to the popular vindicte and to the multilateral donors the heads of some carefully designated lampatists, is the only means available to Paul BIYA to divert the inquisitive glances of the international community on its bad chronic governance, whose endemic misery is the daily lot of the overwhelming majority of Cameroonians.

Nobody can certainly blame him.. By grace, let's not be fooled by the gross political maneuver either!


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